Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Top 5 Ways to Use WD-40 in Your Workshop


WD-40 is a must-have in any workshop due to its versatility and effectiveness. This multi-use product, originally developed to prevent rust and corrosion, can be employed in numerous ways to make your work easier and more efficient. Whether you’re a professional craftsman or a DIY enthusiast, WD-40 can help you tackle a wide range of tasks. Here are the top five ways to use WD-40 in your workshop.

1. Lubricating Tools and Machinery

Proper lubrication is crucial for the smooth operation of tools and machinery. WD-40 excels at reducing friction and preventing wear and tear, ensuring your equipment remains in optimal condition.

How to Lubricate Tools and Machinery

  1. Clean the Surface: Before applying WD-40, clean the tool or machinery part to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Apply WD-40: Spray a light coat of WD-40 onto the moving parts, such as hinges, gears, and bearings.
  3. Operate the Tool: Move the parts or operate the tool to distribute the lubricant evenly.
  4. Wipe Excess: Use a clean cloth to wipe away any excess WD40 to prevent dust and dirt from sticking.

Benefits of Lubrication

  • Reduces Friction: Ensures smooth operation of tools and machinery.
  • Prevents Wear and Tear: Extends the life of your equipment.
  • Improves Efficiency: Enhances the performance of tools.

2. Preventing and Removing Rust

Rust is a common issue in workshops, especially for metal tools and surfaces. WD-40 can both prevent rust from forming and remove existing rust, protecting your valuable equipment.

How to Prevent Rust

  1. Clean the Metal Surface: Wipe the metal surface with a clean cloth to remove any moisture or debris.
  2. Apply WD-40: Spray a light, even coat of WD-40 onto the metal surface.
  3. Wipe Evenly: Use a cloth to spread the WD-40 evenly.
  4. Reapply as Needed: Periodically reapply WD-40, especially in humid conditions or after exposure to water.

How to Remove Rust

  1. Apply WD-40: Spray WD-40 directly onto the rusty area.
  2. Let it Sit: Allow the WD-40 to penetrate the rust for a few minutes.
  3. Scrub the Rust: Use a wire brush or abrasive pad to scrub away the rust.
  4. Wipe Clean: Wipe the area with a clean cloth to remove any residue.

Benefits of Rust Prevention and Removal

  • Protects Tools: Prevents damage to metal tools and surfaces.
  • Extends Lifespan: Increases the durability of your equipment.
  • Maintains Appearance: Keeps tools and surfaces looking new.

3. Cleaning and Degreasing

Workshops can get messy, with tools and surfaces accumulating grease, grime, and other residues. WD-40 is an effective cleaner and degreaser, making it easier to maintain a tidy workspace.

How to Clean and Degrease

  1. Apply WD-40: Spray WD-40 onto the greasy or dirty surface.
  2. Let it Sit: Allow the WD-40 to penetrate and loosen the grime for a few minutes.
  3. Scrub the Surface: Use a brush or cloth to scrub away the dirt and grease.
  4. Wipe Clean: Wipe the surface with a clean cloth to remove any residue.

Cleaning Specific Tools

  • Hand Tools: Spray WD-40 on pliers, wrenches, and screwdrivers to remove grease and dirt.
  • Power Tools: Use WD-40 to clean the exterior of power tools, avoiding electrical components.
  • Workbenches: Clean workbench surfaces with WD-40 to remove stubborn stains and grime.

Benefits of Cleaning and Degreasing

  • Improves Safety: Reduces the risk of slips and accidents caused by greasy surfaces.
  • Enhances Performance: Keeps tools in optimal working condition.
  • Maintains a Professional Workspace: Ensures a clean and organized workshop.

4. Loosening Stuck Parts

Over time, parts can become stuck due to rust, dirt, or lack of lubrication. WD-40 can help loosen these parts, making repairs and maintenance tasks easier.

How to Loosen Stuck Parts

  1. Apply WD-40: Spray WD-40 directly onto the stuck part, such as nuts, bolts, or hinges.
  2. Let it Penetrate: Allow the WD-40 to penetrate and lubricate the part for a few minutes.
  3. Use the Appropriate Tool: Use a wrench, pliers, or another tool to gently work the part loose.
  4. Reapply if Necessary: For particularly stubborn parts, reapply WD-40 and repeat the process.

Common Stuck Parts

  • Nuts and Bolts: Loosen rusted or over-tightened nuts and bolts.
  • Hinges: Free up stuck hinges on doors, cabinets, and toolboxes.
  • Locks: Unstick padlocks and door locks for smooth operation.

Benefits of Loosening Stuck Parts

  • Saves Time: Reduces the effort and time needed to free up stuck components.
  • Prevents Damage: Minimizes the risk of damaging parts during repairs.
  • Facilitates Maintenance: Makes it easier to disassemble and reassemble tools and machinery.

5. Protecting Electrical Connections

Moisture and corrosion can compromise electrical connections, leading to malfunctions or failures. WD-40 can protect these connections, ensuring reliable performance.

How to Protect Electrical Connections

  1. Disconnect Power: Ensure the power is turned off before working on any electrical connections.
  2. Clean the Connection: Wipe the connection with a clean cloth to remove any dirt or moisture.
  3. Apply WD-40: Spray a light coat of WD-40 onto the electrical connection.
  4. Reassemble: Reconnect the components and turn the power back on.

Common Electrical Connections to Protect

  • Battery Terminals: Prevent corrosion on battery terminals in tools and machinery.
  • Wiring Harnesses: Protect wiring harnesses from moisture and corrosion.
  • Switches and Relays: Ensure smooth operation of switches and relays by preventing corrosion.

Benefits of Protecting Electrical Connections

  • Ensures Reliability: Maintains reliable performance of electrical components.
  • Prevents Corrosion: Protects connections from moisture and corrosion.
  • Extends Lifespan: Increases the durability of electrical systems.


WD-40 is an indispensable tool in any workshop, offering a wide range of uses that can make your work easier, safer, and more efficient. From lubricating tools and preventing rust to cleaning surfaces and protecting electrical connections, WD-40 provides versatile solutions for various maintenance tasks. By incorporating WD-40 into your regular workshop routine, you can keep your tools and equipment in top condition, ensuring they perform reliably and last longer. Keep a can of WD-40 in your workshop, and you’ll be prepared to tackle any task that comes your way.

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